Sunlight Consulting was founded in September 2011. It has now become the largest P&C insurance consulting firm in China. Our client base continues to increase, including domestic and international insurance companies of different size. Now the company has more than 20 professional talents.

Alex Zhu, Chairman of Sunlight Consulting, had been a Senior Vice President and Chief Actuary of Ping An P&C for eight years. He set up an advanced actuarial operation for the Ping An P&C, helping it make the transition from losses to profit. Before returning to China, Alex was the Regional Non-life Chief Actuary for Asia Pacific at Zurich Financial Services. As the first P&C actuary in mainland China, Alex played an active and important role in Ping An’s strategy management and business plan. He created a modern casualty actuarial team from scratch in Ping An, and more than 10 of the team members have become senior executives or department managers in P&C companies in China.

Alex is qualified as Chartered Financial Analyst, Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter, Fellow of Casualty Actuarial Society, Fellow of Society of Actuaries of China.


ALEX ZHU,(FCAS)                            






  • 战略规划
  • 流程改造
  • 合并收购
  • 准备金评估
  • 产品研发和定价
  • 资产负债管理
  • 巨灾风险管理
  • 企业风险管理等
  • 祝光建先生积极参与了公司的战略管理和业务发展规划。同时,他作为国内第一位财产险精算师,为平安创立了领先的精算团队,在公司经营和业务管理方面发挥了巨大作用,并为行业培养了十余位总公司班子成员,精算企划部及车险部总经理。



    祝光建先生毕业于中国科技大学,并在美国宾夕法尼亚大学 (University of Pennsylvania) 取得数学硕士学位。他是特许金融分析师(CFA)、特许财产保险核保师(CPCU)以及中美财产险精算师协会(CAS)精算师。